Tuesday, November 14, 2006

No Sex Before the Big Game

Well here I am, losing my blogging virginity, breaking the blogger seal. I am still a little unsure as to my motivation in this escapade but for now it feels right. It's been exactly two months since I left my cushy government job in Australia and landed here in this cliché-ridden town to be back in the arms of S. I am still without proper job, which has done wonders for my sex life. Today S and I rolled out of bed at midday after fucking all morning. This has been a common occurrence and after coming three times in a morning everything else that the day might have to offer pales into insignificance. Alas, Yoko and John we are not and I do realize that one must leave the bedroom every now and then if they are to make rent. Next week I have an interview for a 'real' job, one that would require me to be up, laundered, coiffed and running out the apartment door at an hour in which birds would start to chirp, if there were any birds in LA. So if I have any chance of landing this gig and beating my current rent woes I need to remind myself pre interview of what any self respecting coach tells his star player "No Sex Before the Big Game".

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